
Leonardo Hotels Benelux - CSR

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25 Mar-26 Mar
1 Room, 2 Guests
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We are aware of the impact of our business activities on the environment and on society, and want to act in such a way that the natural environment is also preserved and available for future generations. We do this by increasingly integrating sustainability into our business processes, services and products.

To achieve this, we make conscious choices and seek a balance between people, planet and profit. This is a process, not a final destination. We are constantly looking for feasible steps to shape this social responsibility in our company. To achieve this, we implement the following measures:

  • We actively keep abreast of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) developments within our profession and actively contribute to the transfer of our knowledge on this subject to employees and others who wish to learn the trade.
  • We inform our guests, employees and suppliers how we conduct business in a socially responsible way.
  • We make transparent agreements with stakeholders about the quality of our product and how we monitor quality.
  • In addition to the financial impact, we also determine the social and environmental impact of our product and limit any negative impact as much as possible.
  • We make a voluntary contribution to social causes through donations and sponsoring and/or through voluntary work.
  • Where possible, we try to inform and facilitate our guests and customers in reducing their environmental impact.
  • We are continuously working on reducing our environmental impact and increasing the sustainable character of our company. By actively striving to reduce waste flows and our consumption of gas, water, electricity and fossil fuels.
  • We work continuously to improve our own purchasing process and focus on goods and services that are sustainable, preferably with a recognised environmental and/or sustainability and/or social label.

Do you have any questions about this? Please feel free to contact us at mvo@leonardo-hotels.nl.

This declaration applies to all hotels based in the Netherlands, owned by the Leonardo Hotel Group and managed by Fattal Netherlands OpCos BV.

Our efforts have earned us a Green Key Certification. Green Key is the most recognized sustainability certification in the hotel and tourism industry in the Netherlands.